General Election 2024
Kevin Foster
The Green Party
Richmond and Northallerton

Party Manifesto:
Candidate Statement on Climate, Energy, Nature and the Environment
What are the key environmental challenges that lie ahead, such as nature restoration, biodiversity loss, river pollution, active travel, climate change resilience, energy infrastructure, energy efficiency, sustainable agricultural methods, net zero targets, competing land uses (growing food, generating energy and protecting nature), public transport and funding mitigation and adaption – both in your constituency and more widely across the country?
As a newly elected Green councillor in 2019, I brought forward the motion for Richmond District Council’s climate emergency declaration and I supported the declaration by North Yorkshire Council last year. I also steered a cross-party motion through the Council which will protect the rivers, water courses and sea in our area by holding water companies and polluters to account.
Climate change is the biggest challenge we face and successive governments have consistently failed to address it, repeatedly saying the right things but failing to follow though with the actions needed. My view is that climate change and the environment should be at the heart of every policy decision made, whatever the colour of the party in power. It’s not difficult, it just needs the political will and the courage to think beyond the next election. As MP for Richmond & Northallerton, I would fight to make this this the case.
For example, everybody knows that we do not have enough houses in this country. But not only that, the houses we do build are not built to high enough standards. As MP, I would lobby the government for higher standards in terms of insulation and renewable energy systems, both reducing emissions and providing safe, warm places to live. I would want to see solar panels on all new houses and heat pumps instead of old-fashioned gas boilers. New estates need to have the infrastructure to support them, with green spaces, walking and cycling networks and reliable bus services so that people can get around without the need for a car.
New housing developments also need to have adequate plans for dealing with waste water and I would lobby for tighter regulations. That water companies continue to pump raw sewage into our rivers and sea is a national scandal and it needs to stop. I believe that the polluters should pay to rectify this. Cleaning up our polluted rivers should be a priority, not just for nature and biodiversity but also for human health.
In a rural constituency such as ours, it’s essential that an MP works with and for farmers. I would campaign for an increase in financial incentives for farmers to support the transition to nature-friendly farming in order to conserve and improve the health of the soil and the wider environment. Farm payments should be linked to a reduction in the use of pesticides, herbicides and fertiliser so that farming has a positive effect in terms of nature restoration and biodiversity. I would also encourage communication between farmers and the general public so that links are built between farms, schools and the wider community, leading to better appreciation and understanding of how our food is produced and where it comes from.
These are just three examples of where joined-up thinking, with the environment always top priority, can move us towards a thriving natural world and Net Zero. As MP for Richmond & Northallerton, I would fight tooth and nail for this fairer, greener country.