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Community seed hub puts down roots at Scarborough Library

22 July 2024


Local News

Community, Environment

Voluntary group GROW Scarborough is leading the venture, whereby residents are offered free seeds to grow their own food, herbs, and flowers.

The aim is to cultivate resilience through sustainable local food growing and sharing, with the help of resources in the library and an online app.

GROW Scarborough spearheads a community garden which offers a tranquil space for volunteers to tend to plants, grow food and help wildlife to thrive.

Darren Mancrief, its founder and co-chairman, said: “As a group, we want to bring our community closer together and to create resilience through food security. A large part of that vision is helping and encouraging our community to grow food for themselves and to share with others.

“The seed hub will allow locals to get hold of free vegetable, herb, and flower seeds to take home, grow and enjoy. They can also donate seeds to the hub, which is integral to its success.

Read more at North Yorkshire Council:

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